Our mission is to give you the care you need to live your best life.
Most of the diseases we treat cause inflammation, pain and joint damage sometimes leading to disability. Patients come to us because they know we listen and we treat each person with care and with sensitivity to their own, personal needs. Our entire staff at Kirksville Specialty Clinic—from the people you meet when you walk in the door to the doctors and nurses involved in your direct care—are here to serve you. You’ll get expert, comprehensive, compassionate care.
What Makes Doctors at Kirksville Specialty Clinic Different?
We are rheumatology specialists – specialists in treating patients like you. We are the doctors who take care of patients with ongoing joint, bone and muscular pain and autoimmune diseases such as lupus. See all the diseases we treat. Our focus is on providing non-surgical musculoskeletal care that’s both effective and cost conscious. Patients come to Kirksville Specialty Clinic knowing they can trust the quality of care they’ll be receiving from our doctors and nurse practitioners.